After completing your Private Pilot License, you can apply to complete your Commercial Pilot License. The best part about being a commercial pilot is you can make money doing what you love!
As a commercial pilot, you may find yourself flying more sophisticated aircraft, with more passengers. This, of course, means you will need to be more educated, proficient and professional.
We have a set syllabus with flexibility around instructional scheduling to assist in education and life balance.

Student must be at least 18 years of age and hold a Category 1 Aviation Medical Certificate.
Please note that you must hold a PPL to begin CPL training.
80Hrs of ground school is required by Transport Canada, for more information on ground school please visit Hangaaar or
There is a Transport Canada issued written exam which covers the material learned in ground school. This must be passed before you can proceed with your flight test.
Transport Canada requires students to have a minimum of 200 hours total time for the CPL. These hours include, but are not limited to:
100hrs PIC, and
65Hrs of CPL Training, which includes:
35hrs Dual​,
5hrs Night Dual,
5hrs Dual Cross-Country,
20hrs Instrument (Max of 10hrs in the sim),
30hrs Solo, and
5hrs Night Solo.
A Transport Canada Flight Test must be taken and passed to obtain a CPL.
Your cost is dependent on a number of factors
Springbank Airport
Springbank is one of the top 10 busiest airports in Canada. We have a state-of-the-art control tower allowing aircraft to fly IFR approaches. Flying in busy controlled airspace can add to flight times. That said, the experience you will gain flying in busy, complex airspace is invaluable to you as a pilot. If you can fly here, you can fly anywhere!
Above Minimum Standards
Aviation was a much different place when TC last updated the minimum hour requirements in 1998. The past 20+ years of progress have brought with them a significantly higher standard for safety and competency on the CPL flight test. As a result, the training time required to reach this standard is higher than the decades-old minimums.
Full Time vs Part Time
Flying frequently = flying efficiently, simple as that. Flying full-time allows you to spend more time learning and less time remembering what you did on the last flight. This also gives you a buffer for when weather cancellations occur, so you don't go weeks without flying. We recommend 3 bookings per week minimum.
Previous Experience
The more experience you have going into your CPL, the less time you will take. This is especially true when it comes to building up your PIC time. As well, students who progress from PPL to CPL training without a large break tend to complete their licenses in less time and in fewer hours. Staying current and proficient pays off!
Make money flying,
Fly under visual flight rules- this means being able to see the ground,
Fly as far as your airplane can take you,
Fly with as many passengers as your airplane will allow,
Fly single-engine non-high performance aircraft.
Obtain additional ratings, such as:
Night Rating (Though this is typically included in CPL training).​
Fly in conditions for which you do not hold a rating,
Fly high-performance aircraft unless you hold a type rating for that aircraft.
Please note that training towards type ratings is not offered​ at our school.